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Special NDT Services

Special NDT Services

Special NDT Services

ANDT provides various advanced and conventional NDT services to various industries as per the requirement of the client. Here are few advanced NDT services for which industries may contact ANDT for reliable and quality assured work.

1. 3D Computed Tomography

2. Absolute Pressure Leak Testing (Pressure Change)

3. Acoustic Emission Testing (AE or AT)

4. Acoustic Resonance Technology (ART)

5. Alternating Current Field Measurement (ACFM)

6. Alternating Current Potential Drop Measurement (ACPD)

7. Angle Beam Testing

8. Asset Integrity

9. Barkhausen Testing (BT)

10. Blue Etch Anodize (BEA)

11. Bubble Testing

12. Computed Radiography

13. Condition Based Maintenance

14. Digital Radiography (Real-Time)

15. Direct Current Potential Drop Measurement (DCPD)

16. Drone Testing

17. Eddy-Current Testing (ECT)

18. Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT) (Non-Contact)

19. Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry

20. Endoscope Inspection (EI)

21. Guided Wave Testing (GWT)

22. Halogen Diode Leak Testing

23. Hardness Testing

24. Heat Exchanger Life Assessment System

25. Holographic Interferometry

26. Hydrogen Leak Testing

27. Hydrostatic Test

28. Impulse Excitation Technique (IET)

29. In Situ

30. Industrial CT Scanning

31. Infrared and Thermal Testing (IR)

32. Internal Rotary Inspection System

33. Internal Rotary Inspection System (IRIS) Ultrasonic for Tubes

34. Laser Testing

35. Laser Ultrasonic Testing (LUT)

36. Leak Testing (LT) Or Leak Detection

37. Long Range Ultrasonic Testing (LRUT)

38. Low Coherence Interferometry

39. Magnetic Flux Leakage Testing (MFL) For Pipelines, Tank Floors, and Wire Rope

40. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and NMR Spectroscopy

41. Magnetic-Particle Inspection (MT or MPI)

42. Mass Spectrometer Leak Testing

43. Metallographic Replicas

44. Micro and Macro Examinations

45. Microwave Imaging

46. Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy (MIR)

47. Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

48. Neutron Imaging

49. Nondestructive Testing of Packaged Items

50. On-Site Metallurgy

51. Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)

52. Optical Microscopy

53. Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT)

54. Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT)

55. Pipe and Pipeline Inspection Services

56. Pipeline Video Inspection

57. Positive Material Identification (PMI)

58. Radiographic Testing (RT)

57. Raman Spectroscopy

58. Remote Field Testing (RFT)

59. Resonant Acoustic Method (RAM)

60. Resonant Inspection

61. RTJ Flange Special Ultrasonic Testing

62. Scanning Electron Microscopy

63. Scanning Thermal Microscopy

64. SCAR (Small Controlled Area Radiography)

65. Self-Mixing Laser Interferometry

66. Spectroscopy

67. Stress Reliving

68. Terahertz Nondestructive Evaluation (Thz)

69. Thermographic Inspection

70. Thickness Measurement

71. Time of Flight Diffraction Ultrasonic (TOFD)

72. Time-Of-Flight Ultrasonic Determination of 3D Elastic Constants (TOF)

73. Tracer-Gas Leak Testing Method for Helium, Hydrogen and Refrigerant Gases

74. Vibration Analysis

75. Visual Inspection (VT)

76. Weight and Load Testing Of Structures

77. Welder Qualification Test

78. Welding Inspection

79. Welding Qualification Test

80. X-Ray Computed Tomography (CT)

81. X-Ray, Optical And Terahertz Image

82. (Far-Infrared =) Terahertz Spectroscopy


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