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Positive Material Identification (PMI)

Positive Material Identification (PMI)

Positive Material Identification

Positive material identification (PMI) is used to identify the material grade and alloy composition for quality.

PMI (positive material identification) is a rapid non-destructive method; it is performed on a wide range of components, assets, and equipment and provides chemical analysis. It is used for material verification and identification.
This method is used for quality control and maintaining safety, it is an integral part of both production and assets management in various industries like oil and gas, petrochemical, nuclear power, chemical aerospace, etc.

PMI (positive material identification) can prevent potential failure in manufacturing.   
 In various industries inspection of critical parts and welds, PMI prevents breakdown and reduces downtime.

Positive Material Inspection (PMI) can:

  • To ensure correct alloy has been used during manufacturing.
  • Finding mixed-up alloys
  • Identification if the wrong material is used.
  • Ensure material conforms to the correct standard or specification.
  • Ensure welding has correct filler metals.

Positive material identification is performed using:

  • X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) analyzer: This is the most common method and portability allows on-site inspection. The device scans the metal material and identifies its major elements. However, it cannot detect carbon or some other lighter elements, hence it is not suitable for detecting lighter elements.
  • Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES): This method detects all types of elements, but it is not as portable as XRF but it can be transported to the sites by using special lifting arrangements.


ANDT’s highly experienced PMI inspectors provide on-the-spot results, followed by a written report.
By choosing ANDT for positive material identification (PMI), you can be assured of a fast, reliable service with accurate results and we provide Quality Assurance that your products or equipment meet the required quality and safety standards in today’s markets.

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